Package jcckit.plot

Class BarFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BarFactory extends AbstractSymbolFactory
A factory of bars. The bars are Rectangles. Depending on the configuration parameters the bars can be horizontal or vertical. Bars of several curves can be side by side or stacked. The bar length is determined by the x or y value of the curve point in device-independent coordinates. If the value is negative the bar goes into the negative direction. For stacked bars the values should always be positive.

When used inside a SimpleCurve soft clipping should always be switched off (see SimpleCurve(ConfigParameters, int, int, ClippingShape, Legend)).

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • BarFactory

      public BarFactory(ConfigParameters config)
      Creates an instance from the specified configuration parameters.
      Key & Default ValueTypeMandatory Description
      horizontalBars = false booleanno If true horizontal bars will be drawn. Otherwise vertical bars are drawn.
      stacked = false booleanno If true the bars of several curves will be stacked.
      In addition the configuration parameters of the constructor of the superclass AbstractSymbolFactory apply.
  • Method Details

    • createSymbol

      protected Symbol createSymbol(GraphPoint point, GraphicAttributes attributes, Hint hintForNextPoint, Hint hintFromPreviousCurve)
      Creates a bar at the specified point. If hintFromPreviousCurve is not an instance of PositionHint the values of origin and position will be (0,0).
      createSymbol in class AbstractSymbolFactory
      hintFromPreviousCurve - Hint from previous curve. Will be used to calculate symbol shape and hint for the next curve.
      point - Symbol position.
      attributes - Symbol attributes.
      hintForNextPoint - Hint for the next point. Will be delivered unchanged in the return Symbol object.
    • createLegendSymbol

      public GraphicalElement createLegendSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size)
      Creates a symbol for the legend at the specified position.
      Specified by:
      createLegendSymbol in interface SymbolFactory
      createLegendSymbol in class AbstractSymbolFactory
      centerPosition - Center position of the symbol.
      size - The size of the symbol.
    • createPlainSymbol

      protected GraphicalElement createPlainSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size, GraphicAttributes attributes)
      Returns null because this method isn't needed but has to be implemented.
      Specified by:
      createPlainSymbol in class AbstractSymbolFactory
      centerPosition - Center position of the symbol.
      size - The size of the symbol.
      attributes - The attributes of the symbol.