Package jcckit.plot

Interface Curve

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface Curve
A curve is defined by a sequence of points in device-independent coordinates. The points can be decorated by symbols and/or connected by lines.Hints are used to determine additional properties of the symbol. This is especially important for charts with bars.

In accordance with the Factory Method Pattern the symbols are created by a SymbolFactory.

  • Method Details

    • getView

      GraphicalElement getView()
      Returns the graphical representation of a curve. Different invocations of this method might return different instances. This is especially true after adding, inserting, removing, or repplacing a point of the curve.
    • getLegendSymbol

      GraphicalElement getLegendSymbol()
      Returns a symbol which can be used to create the legend for the curve. For example, it should return a horizontal line with the symbol in the middle if the curve is a line with points decorated by symbols.
    • addPoint

      Hint addPoint(GraphPoint point, Hint hintFromPreviousCurve)
      Appends a new point to the curve.
      point - Position in device-independent coordinates.
      hintFromPreviousCurve - Hint which may be used to calculate the corresponding GraphicalElement.
      hint for next curve.
    • removeAllPoints

      void removeAllPoints()
      Removes all points from the curve.