Package jcckit.plot

Class Legend


public class Legend extends Object
Helper class for creating the legend of a Plot.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Legend

      public Legend(ConfigParameters config)
      Creates an instance from the specified configuration parameters. All numbers (lengths, fontsizes, linethicknesses, etc.) are in device-independent units.
      Key & Default ValueTypeMandatory Description
      bottomDistance = 0.02 doubleno Distance between the last row and the bottom of the legend box.
      boxAttributes = default values of ShapeAttributes with a white fill color. ConfigParametersno Attributes of the legend box.
      boxHeight = 0.1 doubleno Height of the legend box.
      boxWidth = 0.2 doubleno Width of the legend box.
      curveTitleAttributes = default values of BasicGraphicAttributes ConfigParametersno Text attributes of curve titles printed in the legend.
      curveTitleDistance = 0.005 doubleno Horizontal distance between the line part of the legend symbol and the curve title.
      leftDistance = 0.01 doubleno Horizontal distance between the line part of the legend symbol and the left border of the legend box.
      lineLength = 0.035 doubleno Length of the line part of the legend symbol.
      symbolSize = 0.01 doubleno Size of the symbol part of the legend symbol. Will be the size argument of createLegendSymbol in a SymbolFactory.
      titleAttributes = default values of BasicGraphicAttributes with a text anchor CENTER TOP. ConfigParametersno Text attributes of the title of the legend box.
      title = Legend Stringno Title of the legend box.
      titleDistance = 0.005 doubleno Distance between the center of the upper line of the legend box and the anchor of the legend title.
      topDistance = 0.04 doubleno Distance between the first row and the top of the legend box.
      upperRightCorner = 0.94, 0.54 double[]no Position of the upper-right corner of the legend box.
  • Method Details

    • getBox

      public GraphicalElement getBox()
      Returns the legend box with title but without legend symbols and curve titles.
    • createSymbol

      public GraphicalElement createSymbol(int curveIndex, int numberOfCurves, SymbolFactory factory, boolean withLine, GraphicAttributes lineAttributes)
      Creates the symbol part of a legend symbol.
      curveIndex - Index of the curve. Will be needed to calculate the y-coordinate of the symbol.
      numberOfCurves - Number of curves. Will be needed to calculate the y-coordinate of the symbol.
      factory - Factory for the symbol part of the legend symbol. Can be null.
      withLine - true if the line part of the legend symbol should be created.
      lineAttributes - Attributes of the line part.
    • createCurveTitle

      public GraphicalElement createCurveTitle(int curveIndex, int numberOfCurves, String title)
      Creates the title part of a legend symbol.
      curveIndex - Index of the curve. Will be needed to calculate the y-coordinate of the title.
      numberOfCurves - Number of curves. Will be needed to calculate the y-coordinate of the symbol.
      title - Title text.