Package jcckit.plot

Class PlotCanvas

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PlotCanvas extends Object implements PlotListener
An abstract canvas containg a single Plot. The canvas is specified by a ClippingRectangle, called paper. A horizontal and vertical Anchor determine the position of the paper on the actual device.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • PlotCanvas

      public PlotCanvas(ConfigParameters config)
      Creates an instance from the specified configuration parameters.
      Key & Default Value Type Mandatory Description
      horizontalAnchor = center String no Horizontal position of the paper relative to the device border. Possible values are left, center, and right.
      paper = 0, 0, 1, 0.6 double[] no Rectangle defining the paper. The first two values determine the x- and y- coordinates (in device-independent units) of the lower-left corner. The last two values determine the upper-right corner.
      plot = default values of Plot ConfigParameters no Definition of the Plot.
      verticalAnchor = center String no Vertical position of the paper relative to the device border. Possible values are top, center, and bottom.

      Note, that this instance registers itself at the wrapped Plot instance.

  • Method Details

    • getPaper

      public ClippingRectangle getPaper()
      Returns the paper definition.
    • getHorizontalAnchor

      public Anchor getHorizontalAnchor()
      Returns the horizontal anchor.
    • getVerticalAnchor

      public Anchor getVerticalAnchor()
      Returns the vertical anchor.
    • getPlot

      public Plot getPlot()
      Returns the plot.
    • connect

      public void connect(DataPlot dataPlot)
      Connects the wrapped Plot instance with the specified DataPlot.
      dataPlot - Data to be connected with this plot canvas. Can be null in order to disconnect this instance from a DataPlot.
    • plotChanged

      public void plotChanged(PlotEvent event)
      Handles the spcified event. Here nothing is done. But subclass may override this method.
      Specified by:
      plotChanged in interface PlotListener