Package jcckit.plot

Class TicLabelMap

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TicLabelMap extends Object implements TicLabelFormat
Map of number intervals onto a text label. The map is defined by a map description string provided by configuration data.

The map description is a list of conditions separated by ';'. The conditions are tested from left to right until a condition is fulfilled for the tic value. If no condition is fullfilled a '?' will be returned.

A condition description has one of the following forms:


The first type of condition is always fulfilled. It will return <label>. This is a kind of else condtion which is put at the end of the condition list.

The second form maps a particular number onto a label. In order to be equal with the sepcified number the tic value should not deviate more than 1 ppm (part per millions) from <number>.

The third form maps an interval onto a label. The condition reads

<number1> <= tic label < <number2>


 0.5:1.5=I; 1.5:2.5 = II; 2.5:3.5 = III; the rest
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TicLabelMap

      public TicLabelMap(ConfigParameters config)
      Creates an instance from the specified configuration parameters.
      Key & Default ValueTypeMandatory Description
      map Stringyes Map description as explained above.
  • Method Details

    • form

      public String form(double ticValue)
      Maps the specified tic value onto a text label in accordance with the map description.
      Specified by:
      form in interface TicLabelFormat