Class Transformation


public class Transformation extends Object
Transformation between device-independent coordinates and standard Java coordinates. The aspect-ratio will be the same. The position in the canvas is determined by a Rectangle defining a (virtual) paper which is placed in the canvas according to an anchor point. Depending on the aspect ratio of the canvas the paper width or height occupies the canvas width or height.
  • Constructor Details

    • Transformation

      public Transformation(int width, int height, ClippingRectangle paper, Anchor horizontalAnchor, Anchor verticalAnchor)
      Creates an instance for the specified canvas size, paper size, and anchor points of the paper.
      width - Width of the canvas.
      height - Height of the canvas.
      paper - Rectangle defining the paper in device-independent coordinates.
      horizontalAnchor - Horizontal anchor of the paper in the canvas.
      verticalAnchor - Vertical anchor of the paper in the canvas.
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • transformX

      public int transformX(double x)
      Transforms the device-independent x coordinate into Java coordinates.
    • transformY

      public int transformY(double y)
      Transforms the device-independent y coordinate into Java coordinates.
    • transformWidth

      public int transformWidth(double width)
      Transforms the device-independent width into Java width.
    • transformHeight

      public int transformHeight(double height)
      Transforms the device-independent height into Java height.
    • transformBack

      public GraphPoint transformBack(int x, int y)
      Transforms a point in Java coordinates back into device-independent coordinates.
    • apply

      public void apply(Graphics2D g)