Class CartesianTransformation

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CartesianTransformation extends Object implements Transformation
Two-dimensional Cartesian transformation. The two independent transformations for the x-axis and the y-axis can be logarithmic from data coordinates to device-independent coordinates in order to realize diagrams with logarithmic scales.
  • Constructor Details

    • CartesianTransformation

      public CartesianTransformation(boolean xLogScale, boolean yLogScale, DataPoint dataPoint1, GraphPoint graphPoint1, DataPoint dataPoint2, GraphPoint graphPoint2)
      Creates an instance from the specified reference points. Note, that the reference points must differ in x and y coordinates otherwise a transformation would not be possible.
      xLogScale - true if logarithmic x axis.
      yLogScale - true if logarithmic y axis.
      dataPoint1 - First reference point in data coordinates.
      graphPoint1 - First reference point in device-independent coordinates.
      dataPoint2 - Second reference point in data coordinates.
      graphPoint2 - Second reference point in device-independent coordinates.
      IllegalArgumentException - if transformation in at least one of both directions is not possible.
  • Method Details