
public class Diagram extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Diagram

      public Diagram(TextGrid grid, ConversionOptions options)

      An outline of the inner workings of this very important (and monstrous) constructor is presented here. Boundary processing is the first step of the process:

      1. Copy the grid into a work grid and remove all type-on-line and point markers from the work grid
      2. Split grid into distinct shapes by plotting the grid onto an AbstractionGrid and its getDistinctShapes() method.
      3. Find all the possible boundary sets of each of the distinct shapes. This can produce duplicate shapes (if the boundaries are the same when filling from the inside and the outside).
      4. Remove duplicate boundaries.
      5. Remove obsolete boundaries. Obsolete boundaries are the ones that are the sum of their parts when plotted as filled shapes. (see method removeObsoleteShapes())
      6. Separate the found boundary sets to open, closed or mixed (See CellSet class on how its done).
      7. Are there any closed boundaries?
        • YES. Subtract all the closed boundaries from each of the open ones. That should convert the mixed shapes into open.
        • NO. In this (harder) case, we use the method breakTrulyMixedBoundaries() of CellSet to break boundaries into open and closed shapes (would work in any case, but it's probably slower than the other method). This method is based on tracing from the lines' ends and splitting when we get to an intersection.
      8. If we had to eliminate any mixed shapes, we separate the found boundary sets again to open, closed or mixed.

      At this stage, the boundary processing is all complete and we proceed with using those boundaries to create the shapes:

      1. Create closed shapes.
      2. Create open shapes. That's when the line end corrections are also applied, concerning the positioning of the ends of lines see methods connectEndsToAnchors() and moveEndsToCellEdges() of DiagramShape.
      3. Assign color codes to closed shapes.
      4. Assign extended markup tags to closed shapes.

      5. Create arrowheads.

      6. Create point markers.

      Finally, the text processing occurs: [pending]

      grid -
      cellWidth -
      cellHeight -
  • Method Details

    • getAllDiagramShapes

      public ArrayList<DiagramShape> getAllDiagramShapes()
      Returns a list of all DiagramShapes in the Diagram, including the ones within CompositeDiagramShapes
    • getMinimumOfCellDimension

      public float getMinimumOfCellDimension()
    • getShapesIterator

      public Iterator getShapesIterator()
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
    • getCellWidth

      public int getCellWidth()
    • getCellHeight

      public int getCellHeight()
    • getCompositeShapes

      public ArrayList<CompositeDiagramShape> getCompositeShapes()
    • getShapes

      public ArrayList<DiagramShape> getShapes()
    • getCellMinX

      public int getCellMinX(TextGrid.Cell cell)
    • getCellMinX

      public static int getCellMinX(TextGrid.Cell cell, int cellXSize)
    • getCellMidX

      public int getCellMidX(TextGrid.Cell cell)
    • getCellMidX

      public static int getCellMidX(TextGrid.Cell cell, int cellXSize)
    • getCellMaxX

      public int getCellMaxX(TextGrid.Cell cell)
    • getCellMaxX

      public static int getCellMaxX(TextGrid.Cell cell, int cellXSize)
    • getCellMinY

      public int getCellMinY(TextGrid.Cell cell)
    • getCellMinY

      public static int getCellMinY(TextGrid.Cell cell, int cellYSize)
    • getCellMidY

      public int getCellMidY(TextGrid.Cell cell)
    • getCellMidY

      public static int getCellMidY(TextGrid.Cell cell, int cellYSize)
    • getCellMaxY

      public int getCellMaxY(TextGrid.Cell cell)
    • getCellMaxY

      public static int getCellMaxY(TextGrid.Cell cell, int cellYSize)
    • getCellFor

      public TextGrid.Cell getCellFor(ShapePoint point)
    • getTextObjects

      public ArrayList<DiagramText> getTextObjects()