Class GridPattern
This is a TextGrid (usually 3x3) that contains the equivalent of a
2D reqular expression (which uses custom syntax to make things more
visual, but standard syntax is also possible).
The custom syntax is:
. means anything
b means any boundary (any of - = / \ + | :)
! means not boundary (none of - = / \ + | :)
- means - or =
| means | or :
[ means not | nor :
~ means not - nor =
^ means a boundary but not - nor =
( means a boundary but not | nor :
s means a straight boundary (one of - = + | :)
S means not a straight boundary (none of - = + | :)
1 means a cell that has entry point 1
2 means a cell that has entry point 2
3 means a cell that has entry point 3 etc. up to number 8
%1 means a cell that does not have entry point 1 etc.
See below for an explanation of entry points
+, \, / and the space are literal (as is any other character)
Entry points
1 2 3 *--*--* | | 8* *4 | | *--*--* 7 6 5We number the entry points for each cell as in the diagram above. If a cell is occupied by a character, we define as entry points the points of the above diagram that the character can touch with the end of its lines. For example - has entry points 8 and 4, | and : have entry points 2 and 6, / has 3 and 7, \ has 1 and 5, + has 2, 6, 8 and 4 etc.
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.stathissideris.ascii2image.text.TextGrid
TextGrid.Cell, TextGrid.CellColorPair, TextGrid.CellStringPair, TextGrid.CellTagPair
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
(TextGrid grid) static void
(boolean b) boolean
Methods inherited from class org.stathissideris.ascii2image.text.TextGrid
add, addToMarkupTags, cellContainsDashedLineChar, clear, containsAtLeastOneDashedLine, copyCellsTo, equals, exactlyOneNeighbourIsBoundary, fillCellsWith, fillContinuousArea, fillContinuousArea, findArrowheads, findBoundariesExpandingFrom, findColorCodes, findMarkupTags, findStrings, followCell, followCell, followCorner, followCorner, followCorner1, followCorner1, followCorner2, followCorner2, followCorner3, followCorner3, followCorner4, followCorner4, followCrossOnLine, followIntersection, followIntersection, followLine, followLine, followLine, followStub, followStub, get, get, getAllBlanksBetweenCharacters, getAllBoundaries, getAllNonBlank, getCellTypeAsString, getDebugString, getEastOf, getEastOf, getHeight, getNorthOf, getNorthOf, getPointMarkersOnLine, getRow, getRows, getSouthOf, getSouthOf, getStringAt, getStringAt, getSubGrid, getTestingSubGrid, getWestOf, getWestOf, getWidth, hasBlankCells, hasEntryPoint, initialiseWithLines, initialiseWithText, isArrowhead, isBlank, isBlank, isBlankBetweenCharacters, isBoundary, isBoundary, isBoundary, isBullet, isBullet, isColumnBlank, isCorner, isCorner, isCorner1, isCorner2, isCorner3, isCorner4, isCross, isCrossOnLine, isEastArrowhead, isHorizontalCrossOnLine, isHorizontalLine, isHorizontalLine, isHorizontalLine, isHorizontalLinesEnd, isHorizontalStarOnLine, isIntersection, isIntersection, isInverseK, isInverseT, isK, isLine, isLinesEnd, isLinesEnd, isLoneDiagonal, isNormalCorner, isNormalCorner, isNorthArrowhead, isOnHorizontalLine, isOnVerticalLine, isOutOfBounds, isOutOfBounds, isPointCell, isRoundCorner, isRoundCorner, isSouthArrowhead, isStarOnLine, isStringsEnd, isStringsStart, isStub, isT, isVerticalCrossOnLine, isVerticalLine, isVerticalLine, isVerticalLine, isVerticalLinesEnd, isVerticalStarOnLine, isWestArrowhead, makeSameSizeAs, matches, matchesAll, matchesAny, matchesAny, otherStringsEndInTheSameColumn, otherStringsStartInTheSameColumn, printDebug, removeArrowheads, removeBoundaries, removeColorCodes, removeMarkupTags, removeNonText, replaceAll, replaceBullets, replaceHumanColorCodes, replacePointMarkersOnLine, replaceTypeOnLine, set, set, setRow, setRow, toString, writeStringTo, writeStringTo
Constructor Details
public GridPattern() -
Method Details
public boolean usesStandardSyntax() -
public void setUsesStandardSyntax(boolean b) -