Package jcckit.plot

Class ErrorBarFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ErrorBarFactory extends Object implements SymbolFactory
Symbol factory for creating symbols with error bars. It wraps a SymbolFactory for creating the symbol. The error bars are Rectangles.

Curves with error bars are based on two DataCurves:

  1. The plain curve.
  2. An instance which stores the errors in x and y. It is assumed that the errors are positive values defining the error symmetrically around the curve points.

The ErrorBarFactory needs an instance of PositionHint as initial Hint for the next curve. Its origin must be the origin of the data coordinate system in device-independent coordinates. The position of PositionHint must be undefined.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • ErrorBarFactory

      public ErrorBarFactory(ConfigParameters config)
      Creates an instance from the specified configuration parameters.
      Key & Default ValueTypeMandatory Description
      symbolFactory = null ConfigParametersno Definition of the wrapped SymbolFactory which generates the curve symbol without bars. By default an empty GraphicalComposite will be created.
      size = 0 doubleno Width of the error bars.
      attributes = null ConfigParametersno Definition of the GraphicAttributes of the error bars.
  • Method Details

    • createLegendSymbol

      public GraphicalElement createLegendSymbol(GraphPoint centerPosition, double size)
      Creates the legend symbol. Calls the wrapped SymbolFactory or returns an empty instance of GraphicalComposite if undefined.
      Specified by:
      createLegendSymbol in interface SymbolFactory
      centerPosition - Center position of the symbol.
      size - The size of the symbol. Will not be used if the symbol of the curve points have all the same size. In this case the symbol for the legend has the size of the curve symbols.
    • createSymbol

      public Symbol createSymbol(GraphPoint point, Hint hintFromPreviousPoint, Hint hintFromPreviousCurve)
      Creates either the curve symbol or the error bars. Error bars are created when hintFromPreviousCurve is an instance of PositionHint and its position attribute is not null. Otherwise the curve symbol is created. The position attributes stores the curve point (in device-independent coordinates). The origin is always as set in the initial PositionHint. The hint for the next curve wrapped by the returned Symbol is always a PositionHint.
      Specified by:
      createSymbol in interface SymbolFactory
      point - The position of the symbol. In general it is a transformation of a corresponding DataPoint into a GraphPoint.
      hintFromPreviousPoint - Hint from the previous point of the same Curve or null.
      hintFromPreviousCurve - Hint from the previous Curve or null.