All Classes and Interfaces

Default abstract OAuth2 AccessAuthorizeManager for OAuth2 managers.
An abstract class for all diagram classes.
Abstract superclass of all SymbolFactories.
Anchor of a graphical element.
Class AnimatedGifEncoder - Encodes a GIF file consisting of one or more frames.
This indicates that an element will be stable over PlantUML version.
Implementation of FlatConfigData based on java.applet.Applet.
A Hint which wraps a GraphicAttributes instance.
Helper class with various parameters defining an axis.
Enumerates barcode formats known to this package.
A factory of bars.
A Base64 encoder/decoder.
Applies from SecurityAuthentication data a BasicAuth authentication access header.
The BasicAuthAuthorizeManager creates the authentication on the fly from the credentials without any access to other services.
Abstract superclass of all basic GraphicalElements.
The basic attributes of any BasicGraphicalElement.
A simple, fast array of bits, represented compactly by an array of ints internally.
A stream of bits that can be read.
Represents a 2D matrix of bits.
This provides an easy abstraction to read bits at a time from a sequence of bytes, where the number of bits read is not often a multiple of 8.
Generalized Blake2b digest.
Message Authentication Code (MAC) digest.
Blake2b configuration parameters block per spec
Note that Tree is just a convenience class; incremental hash (tree) can be done directly with the Digest class.
InputStream decorator that decompresses brotli data.
A stream of bits that can be read.
A class which wraps a 2D array of bytes.
A Cartesian coordinate system.
Two-dimensional Cartesian transformation.
Encapsulates a Character Set ECI, according to "Extended Channel Interpretations" of ISO 18004.
Thrown when a barcode was successfully detected and decoded, but was not returned because its checksum feature failed.
A factory of circle symbols.
Immutable class of a rectangular clipping area.
Defining a clipping shape applied to all GraphicalElements of a GraphicalComposite.
Color with hue, saturation and brightness.
Command<D extends Diagram>
Interface for hierarchically managed key-value pairs.
Read-only class for hierarchically organized key-value pairs.
An implementation of ConfigData based on two instances of ConfigParameters.
Interface for all generators of coordinate systems.
A curve is defined by a sequence of points in device-independent coordinates.
Interface of a curve factory.
Abstract superclass of all data containers.
A curve is a DataContainer of DataPoints.
Interface for all kinds of data elements.
Event to be sent to a DataListener.
Type of a DataEvent.
An interface all observers of DataEvents have to implement.
A plot is a DataContainer of DataCurves.
Immutable two-dimensional point in data coordinates.
Encapsulates a type of hint that a caller may pass to a barcode reader to help it more quickly or accurately decode it.
Encapsulates the result of decoding a matrix of bits.
Decompresses raw DEFLATE data (without zlib or gzip container) into bytes.
Encapsulates the result of detecting a barcode in an image.
Represents a single diagram.
Provides an interface to retrieve the results of a diagram processing operation.
Collection of static dictionary words.
Indicates that the annotated class, method, constructor, or field is a duplication of another part of the code.
Superclass of classes encapsulating types ECIs, according to "Extended Channel Interpretations" 5.3 of ISO 18004.
These are a set of hints that you may pass to Writers to specify their behavior.
Symbol factory for creating symbols with error bars.
See ISO 18004:2006, 6.5.1.
The ExtendedGeneralPath class represents a geometric path constructed from straight lines, quadratic and cubic (Bezier) curves and elliptical arc.
The ExtendedPathIterator class represents a geometric path constructed from straight lines, quadratic and cubic (Bezier) curves and elliptical arcs.
General purpose factory method based on ConfigParameters and Java's Reflection API.
Exception thrown in the case of an error during creation of a new object by Factory.create(java.lang.String).
Format for output files generated by PlantUML.
A FileFormat with some parameters.
Interface for fill attributes.
An implementation of ConfigData based on a flat representation of the hierachically organized key-value pairs.
Font style constants.
A helper class for formatting numbers according to a printf-like format string.
Thrown when a barcode was successfully detected, but some aspect of the content did not conform to the barcode's format rules.
This class contains utility methods for performing mathematical operations over the Galois Field GF(256).
Container for GraphicalElements.
Interface of all Renderers who render a GraphicalComposite.
Interface all graphical elements have to implement.
Marker interface for all types of graphic attributes of a BasicGraphicalElement.
Renderer who draws the GraphicalElements into a java.awt.Graphics2D context.
Class which handles plotting into a Graphics context based on the {link jcckit.renderer.GraphicsRenderer}.
Immutable class of a two-dimensional point in the device-independent coordinate system.
This is a TextGrid (usually 3x3) that contains the equivalent of a 2D reqular expression (which uses custom syntax to make things more visual, but standard syntax is also possible).
Marker interface of all types of hints.
Taken from The HSLColor class provides methods to manipulate HSL (Hue, Saturation Luminance) values to create a corresponding Color object using the RGB ColorSpace.
Taken from Some other pointer:
Information about a generated image for a diagram.
A collection of methods to help with processing images.
This class serves as the entry point to the minimal-json API.
Represents a JSON array, an ordered collection of JSON values.
A handler for parser events.
Represents a JSON object, a set of name/value pairs, where the names are strings and the values are JSON values.
Represents a member of a JSON object, a pair of a name and a value.
A streaming parser for JSON text.
Represents a JSON value.
Helper class for creating the legend of a Plot.
Interface for line attributes.
Indicates the location of a line of code within a resource.
Loads JSON data from file or URL source.
An immutable object that represents a location in the parsed text.
Writes a BitMatrix to BufferedImage, file or stream.
See ISO 18004:2006, 6.4.1, Tables 2 and 3.
Thrown when a barcode was not found in the image.
NTetris<S extends Staged>
Applies from SecurityAuthentication data an OAuth2 Authorization access header.
Authorize the principal (from SecurityCredentials and creates a SecurityAuthentication object with a bearer token secret.
Authorize via principal a resource owner (from SecurityCredentials and creates a SecurityAuthentication object with a bearer token secret.
Some useful constants.
An oval (i.e. an ellipse).
Interface of all Renderers who render a Oval.
An unchecked exception to indicate that an input does not qualify as valid JSON.
A namespace for Quark objects.
A plot is determined by a CoordinateSystem, Curves, an optional annotation layer and an optional Legend.
An abstract canvas containg a single Plot.
A plot event signales some changes of a Plot.
Types of PlotEvents.
Listener for changes of plots, diagrams, and charts.
Immutable class of a two-dimensional point with floating point coordinates.
A polygon or polyline.
Interface of all Renderers who render an instance of Polygon.
An immutable Hint capsulating two GraphPoints.
Enables human readable JSON output by inserting whitespace between values.after commas and colons.
Implementation of FlatConfigData based on java.util.Properties.
Builds a diagram from pre-processed PlantUML source.
This object renders a QR Code as a BitMatrix 2D array of greyscale values.
A named node in the entity graph.
The general exception class throw when something goes wrong during decoding of a barcode.
A rectangle.
Interface of all Renderers who render a Rectangle.
Implements Reed-Solomon enbcoding, as the name implies.
Thrown when an exception occurs during Reed-Solomon decoding, such as when there are too many errors to correct.
Marker interface.
POJO of the json sent to "POST /render"
Encapsulates a point of interest in an image containing a barcode.
The security access interceptor applies the authentication information to a HTTP connection.
The authentication to access an endpoint.
Creates from credentials a SecurityAuthentication object or authorize as principal to retrieve an authentication object.
Defines a configuration for credentials.
Indicates that the implementing object contains sensitive data, which can be erased using the eraseCredentials method.
This interceptor does nothing.
Creates a public access authentication data object.
There are 4 different security profile defined.
Sentence<D extends Diagram>
Secure replacement for
Basic attributes for shapes.
A simple curve is the basic implementation of the Curve interface.
Factory for SimpleCurves.
"Pseudo size" of a C structure.
A factory of square symbols.
Common string-related functions.
Subject<D extends Diagram>
Secure replacement for
Immutable class holding the graphical represention of the symbol and two Hints.
Interface of a symbol factory.
A single line of text.
Interface for text attributes.
Interface of all Renderers who render an instance of Text.
Format interface for tic labels.
Map of number intervals onto a text label.
Applies from SecurityAuthentication data plain token authentication access headers.
The TokenAuthAuthorizeManager creates the authentication on the fly from the credentials without any access to other services.
Transformation between device-independent coordinates and standard Java coordinates.
Interface for transformations between data coordinates and device-independent coordinates.
Represents the textual source of some diagram.
Collection of static utility methods.
The Version object encapsulates attributes about a particular size Data Matrix Code.
See ISO 18004:2006 Annex D
Encapsualtes the parameters for one error-correction block in one symbol version.
Encapsulates a set of error-correction blocks in one symbol version.
The base class for all objects which encode/generate a barcode image.
Controls the formatting of the JSON output.
A base class which covers the range of exceptions which may occur when encoding a barcode using the Writer framework.
Custom interface for managing a XMI transformation of a class diagram.
Generic class for managing a custom XMI transformation, using services provided by external providers via dependency injection.
Custom interface for managing a XMI transformation of a description diagram.
Custom interface for managing a XMI transformation of a state diagram.